The Work-life Balancing Act
As a small-business owner, trying to maintain a work-life balance can be like walking on a tightrope. At any given moment you have to lean one way or the other to maintain your overall balance. […]
As a small-business owner, trying to maintain a work-life balance can be like walking on a tightrope. At any given moment you have to lean one way or the other to maintain your overall balance. […]
Make time to grow One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to take time to grow. Running a business can leave little time for anything else, but, believe me, […]
Enhance communication with your team “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” You might remember this quote from the movie Cool Hand Luke. While it’s one of the most popular and often-quoted lines […]
Running a business can be scary. You put your heart and soul into your company and can’t imagine doing anything else. Then, you realize that no matter how successful you are, you might be just […]
Dear Dave, How do you reignite a sales team member’s fire once they have reached a financial goal they set for themselves? David Dear David, I love team members who have the energy and drive […]
Dear Dave, I have an opportunity to buy a small business. What should I look for and what things should I check on before I make my decision? Al Dear Al, The first thing you […]
Dear Dave, My wife and I started selling Avon a few years ago to make some extra money. We were pretty successful, and we started hosting vendor events in our town. Now we’re thinking about […]
Dear Dave, My husband was laid off a few months ago. He has a degree in graphic design, and has been doing that ever since to make money. He made $6,000 during his best month, […]
Dear Dave, I’m a personal trainer. Last year, I bought into a franchise and have done a good job of building it up since then. I’m getting to the point where expansion seems possible, but […]
Dear Dave, My husband and I are taking your classes and following your plan. We own a roofing company. We offer six months, same as cash, and we accept credit cards. What are your feelings […]
Dear Dave, I started my own small business a couple of years ago and, thanks to a lot of hard work and your advice, we’re seeing some growth. If you could go back and restart […]
Dear Dave, I operate a window business in a small town. I have an employee that I’ve trained for a year, but we don’t seem to share the same vision and morals. We have nothing […]
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