Business Management

The Young Professional

As part of the business valuation process, analysts and editors in my department conduct phone interviews with clients to learn more about their companies. I’ve probably performed at least 100 interviews already, but one particular […]

Business Management

From Entrepreneur To CEO

It takes a certain type of mindset to lead a construction company to success. Most construction company owners started out working for someone else, became experts at a technical skill and then decided to go […]

Business Management

Make Money Now And More In The Future

Imagine a world in which very little changed over time. This year’s products are the same as last year’s products, and they’ll be the same as next year’s products, too. The same with production methods, […]

Business Management

It Can Pay To Be Nimble

In business, nothing moves faster than capital. These days—where billions can move halfway around the world with a mouse click, or professional football teams can change cities overnight—your success can be enhanced by a change […]

Business Management

Back To Basics

The first decade of the 21st century has been characterized by exhilarating growth only to be followed by the worst recession most businesses have ever experienced. In loftier times, it took little effort to get […]

Business Management

Finding An Edge

There’s an old saying that what people don’t tell you is more powerful than anything they do tell you. Recent decades have brought us information systems that produce voluminous reports, which unfortunately then sit on […]

Business Management

How To Catch The Wave

Have you ever been to the beach when the surfers were out? Do you remember watching them sit out in the ocean on their boards, waiting for the perfect wave to come along and carry […]

Business Management

Managing For Predetermined Profit

Managing for a predetermined profit is not a well-known practice in the construction industry, where smaller companies, including startups, owner-operated organizations and small partnerships represent the majority of firms. Yet, when put into practice and […]

Business Management

A Health Checkup For Your Business

Measuring key variables keeps you strong. Imagine you’re going to your doctor for an annual physical. You’re expecting the usual round of poking, prodding and blood work, but the doctor just smiles and pronounces you […]

Business Management

Taking Chances

There is no shortage of effective leadership. A search on Google will turn up endless pages of magazine articles, books and speeches about all of those characteristics viewed as essential for a dynamic and motivational […]

Business Management

Fear Of Change

Fear of what’s new or different can stifle your business. Change does not come easily for most employees. In fact, it often threatens them, especially when faced with learning a new routine or process. That’s […]

Business Management

History Vs Reality

When information isn’t real-time Timely and accurate information is the lifeblood of business. Whether it pertains to markets, customers or competition, information is the foundation of the decision-making process. The refrain “I need it now” […]

Business Management

The Catalyst

As the laws of physics state, an object at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. This inertia can be the death knell of an organization, cause or culture. […]