Consumer confidence fell sharply in April

Cost of Money

  “Consumer confidence fell sharply in April as inflation worries and a downbeat outlook on the job market pushed optimism to its lowest level since 2022.”  So starts Josh Schafer’s Yahoo Finance article on 4/30/24. […]

Deficit is the annual difference between the amount of government spending and the amount of revenues collected through taxes and fees
Business Management

Debt, Deficits and Our Clients

  The consulting field, particularly the part of it focused on small and medium-sized businesses, is helping the lifeblood of America thrive. While revenue-based standards vary based on industry, a definition based on number of […]

Do your team meetings feel boring, bland, and repetitive? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here, you’ll discover more ways to make them engaging.
More Articles

Team Meetings: Ways To Make Them More Engaging

  Engaging team meetings are the backbone of any organization’s success. When team leaders master making these gatherings informative, interactive, and enjoyable, they pave the way for increased productivity and a more collaborative work environment. […]

executives are constantly seeking innovative solutions to mitigate risks and drive financial stability
Business Management

Considering a Captive Insurance Company for Your Business? What to Ask Your Insurance Agent or Broker

  In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, executives are constantly seeking innovative solutions to mitigate risks and drive financial stability. One such solution gaining traction is the captive insurance model. Captives, alternative insurance options, have garnered […]