Why Is 2023 the Year to Switch to a Corporate Training Platform?

Corporate training helps you acquire the skills to perform your role in a professional organization.
Corporate training helps you acquire the skills to perform your role in a professional organization.


Corporate training helps you acquire the skills to perform your role in a professional organization. Often, the method of implementation of these training programs determines their success. For many corporations, relying on a modern corporate training platform makes all the difference.

What Is a Corporate Training Platform?

Modern problems often require modern solutions, and corporate training is no exception. Sending workers to company headquarters for intensive classroom sessions may not be as effective as before. Firstly, flying workers in and out of the head office is costly. Secondly, one-and-done classroom training isn’t all that helpful in shifting mindsets and behavior. And if they aren´t a single 45-minute seminar, who has the time to drop everything to attend days of out-of-office training?

Thankfully, corporate training platforms changed the game. Modern training systems now happen where the workers are. By using Learning Management Software (LMS), companies can easily develop, customize, implement, record, and assess multiple training programs from a single data center. Meanwhile, workers won’t have to disrupt their work schedules by traveling to the corporate training center. Instead, they can simply log in to the system and engage from wherever they like.

Do Corporate Training Platforms Work Better?

It begs the question: does corporate training work better than traditional classroom training? Many companies believe it does. Even considering its substantial initial investment, an online learning system can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. The elimination of travel time for trainees alone is enough to recoup initial costs. In fact, Inc.com reports that companies invested in training platforms are on track to earn 24% higher profit margins than those who don’t.

More importantly, the impact online learning has on employees is compelling, to say the least. Many studies already attest that using an LMS makes the material more engaging for learners. According to Forbes, this heightened interest helps trainees retain information 50% more than traditional learning methods. In addition, offering more educational opportunities keeps employees from searching for greener pastures. In its State of L&D in 2022, TalentLMS reported that 76% of employees would stay longer at companies that prioritize continuous training.

2023 Corporate Training Platform Trends

Corporations still relying on outdated training modes will be completely overwhelmed in 2023. The pandemic, inflation, and soaring fuel prices end many business-related travel plans. Without a corporate training platform to fall back on, they run the risk of deploying poorly-trained and inadequately-equipped workers.

As learning management technology improves, corporate learning platforms will become more efficient. Meanwhile, trends are also emerging in LMS and corporate training. Below are 3 of the most promising corporate eLearning trends:

  1. Training in the Metaverse

Though still in its advanced development stages, the Metaverse is already becoming home to many virtual corporate events. Online training isn’t far behind. For one, many new hires love the idea of being on board via the company Metaverse. The virtual world presents an engaging way of introducing the company to wide-eyed novices.

In addition, the Metaverse can offer companies a way to conduct virtual customer service training. Training is just the tip of the iceberg in the virtual world. In the not-so-distant future, employees will find themselves logging in to attend a virtual corporate conference alongside their colleagues.

  1. Ultra-Realistic Virtual Training

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) training are now standard for many companies avoiding costly hands-on training. Simulators are replacing real-world training exercises—including but far from limited to operating vehicles, performing surgeries, and fixing equipment in harsh environments.

With VR and AR technology improving every day, training will only get more hyperrealistic. Haptic gloves and suits can now transfer physical sensations so that wearers can develop better awareness. Haptic touch and force feedback means military trainees will now feel the effects of getting hit in combat.

Heavy equipment workers can feel the vibrations of a pipe about to burst without risk of injury. Heightened experiences like this not only increase the learning effects of training but also drive trainee interest and engagement.

  1. Microlearning Is Gaining Momentum

With work-related burnout and stress hitting highs across all industries, it’s probably a bad time to implement rigorous training sessions. Even so, HR will still need to conduct company-wide training sessions. This means that the practice of microlearning will gain popularity. Microlearning is a system where employees receive easily-digestible, bite-sized learning chunks. This allows them to manage better and absorb the information.

More and more workers are embracing remote work and work-life balance. So, getting people to give up their free time for in-office training is likely a losing battle. That’s why offering microlearning courses can help. With trainees given enough space to learn at their own pace, disruptions stay low while proficiency increases.

MDM Software Is Key to Managing Your Corporate Training Platform

A corporate learning platform manages a fleet of smart devices trainees uses to connect to the LMS. Additionally, VR and AR devices like headsets, gloves, and vests connect to the platform to send and receive training data.

Managing these diverse devices, especially in a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) environment, will require the help of cloud-based mobile device management (MDM) systems. At the very least, the MDM software should provide low-level management services that update and maintain each fleet device’s system software and applications.

To help with the actual training, the ideal MDM can also act as the administrator of the connected devices. The MDM software can function as LMS, classroom manager, and video conference software during sessions. In contrast, other corporate training platform systems would only offer these functions via three separate software.

Having an all-in-one system increases the trainer’s efficiency—allowing full control of the class and all its interactions. Focusing to enrich workers via training continuously on one attendee, whether to assist or call out, can also help improve the overall training experience.

The corporate training platform is a boon for companies looking to continuously enrich workers via training. Such a sensible business investment deserves a competent and reliable mobile device management solution to manage it.


About Nadav Avni 2 Articles
Nadav Avni, CMO of Radix Technologies