It’s hard to imagine a time when remote work was incredibly unusual. Now it’s a normal part of our society, and everyone is benefiting. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why remote work is improving companies with cost savings, increased production, improving diversity, and a more reasonable work-life balance.
Cost Savings for Everyone
Companies are seeing significant cost savings as employees leave the office to work from home. Here’s a look at how remote work is saving companies on overhead:
- There’s little to no need for office space, saving on lease costs, utility bills, and other office expenses.
- Fewer business trips (as meetings take place virtually) means lower travel costs.
- Healthcare costs are lower, as employees who work remotely report lower stress levels, leading to better health.
The cost savings trickle down to employees as well. They are saving money in the following areas:
- No need for a work wardrobe.
- Less money goes into the gas.
- Less wear and tear on the car from commuting.
- Fewer visits to the doctor as stress levels improve.
- Less eating out.
Finding Greater Diversity
Many companies seek to create a more diversified culture at work. When employees can work from anywhere, diversity becomes much easier than when the applicant pool pulled mostly from the company’s immediate location.
A company may have only one centrally located headquarters, but they can hire employees from a variety of cities, states, and possibly even countries.
Increased Productivity
When remote work became a necessity, we all wondered how jobs would fare outside of the office. As it turns out, they fared quite well and continue to do so. Productivity increases for most companies as workers transition to working from home.
This improvement comes from less hurry and stress because there’s no need to rush out the door in the morning. More time with loved ones is helpful as well, as it decreases stress and allows for a more balanced life. Working remotely helps many employees focus better than when they have the distractions of a busy office.
It wouldn’t be possible without the help of technology. Things like mobile time tracking have helped employees feel connected and employers feel confident that their staff is using their time wisely. Several years ago, we couldn’t have imagined a world where employees could clock in and out of work from anywhere.
Happy Employees
Of all the reasons remote work is improving companies, improved employee morale is number one. Employees are happier with the remote option for the following reasons:
- Less stress
- Cost savings
- More time with family
- Flexibility in use of time
- Improved work-life balance
A company is nothing without its employees. Creating an atmosphere that works best for them is a priority and a company’s greatest benefit. Do all you can to help create a better work-life balance for your employees, and consider remote work as one of the best options to make that happen.