You Are The CEO Of Your Life – So Take Charge
Maybe you’re stuck in a dead-end job. Maybe you’re living what seems to be an existence without direction. When life fails to meet expectations, it’s easy to throw up your hands or blame your woes […]
Maybe you’re stuck in a dead-end job. Maybe you’re living what seems to be an existence without direction. When life fails to meet expectations, it’s easy to throw up your hands or blame your woes […]
How to Maintain Your Market-Share Mojo Extremely rapid growth for a business might sound good, but it can be a mixed blessing. Certainly, high growth yields greater returns, offering shareholders five times more than medium-growth […]
Mastering Nine Key Traits Essential characteristics embodying the very spirit of entrepreneurial investors, capturing the dynamic essence of self-starters to ensure that entrepreneurs–and others who share their groundbreaking spirit–will always have the financial fuel they […]
How Technology is Bringing Business Education There aren’t many reality-based television shows I can tolerate for very long, but one of them is “Shark Tank.” As someone who finds business and capitalism fascinating, fun and […]
American business owners are breathing a collective sigh of relief as the post-recession rebound officially sets in, and for many who weathered the economic downturn, earnings have increased, profits are up and potential purchasers are […]
Email is by far one of the best digital marketing solutions to have in your toolbox. However, with this approach there is plenty of room for error amid an industry rife with regulations; delivery, filtering […]
You can have the best strategy on the globe and not achieve your expected results. Occasionally companies operate successfully with little thought to strategy. A great product or service launched at an opportune time can […]
When running a small to medium-sized business, there’s always a share of large challenges. While operating this type of business comes with its own set of issues, focusing on best business practices can help to […]
Billy Bohlke’s work environment fits like a glove, and he can make it move at mach speed. Today the 37-year-old President and Chief Pilot of Bohlke International Airways in St. Croix will take his office […]
It’s easy to get caught up in the commotion of the 2016 presidential election. On one hand, you have real estate mogul-turnedreality television star-turned-politician Donald Trump. On the other hand, you’ve got former Sec. of […]
In 2006, Tricia Ferguson received a desperate phone call from a girlfriend working in Harbour Island in the Bahamas. “My friend needed a personal chef to prepare meals for Richard Gere. Up until that point, […]
I entered medical school dreaming of being a doctor – helping my patients maintain their health and prevent chronic diseases. At that time, being a doctor meant respect, financial stability and a balanced life. Well, […]
One Secret to Motivated, Energized and Productive Teams Work can be fun, but should it be playful? You might be thinking: Work is not fun; that’s why they call it work. Play is not good for […]
When it comes to confidential data, you shouldn’t leave your computer unattended for even a moment. They’re just old habits. You likely do them without even thinking. But these 10 habits could be making your […]
1. Transparency. Operating with transparency used to be a luxury versus a necessity but, now, it’s quite mandatory. Millennials in particular, who wield a tremendous amount of influence and purchasing power, make buying decisions based […]
Make time to grow One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to take time to grow. Running a business can leave little time for anything else, but, believe me, […]
It’s Monday morning. You know you have to make it to your scheduled appointments on time so you don’t get behind throughout the day. You know that if you start to run late, even five […]
Small and mid-size businesses are the backbone of the American economy. As owners, you spend most of your time innovating, problem solving and leading your company. However, while you are focused on growing your company, […]
Each of us has about 50,000 thoughts each day. Most are judgments. Many are negative. All are stories. Most of them are fiction. We find ourselves saying: “I’m never going to get that promotion.” “Money […]
Having a good public relations or media specialist on your team is one of the keys to selling yourself. But regardless of how good they are – you are your best representative. After all, you […]
Essential Decisions for Successful M&A When companies merge or acquire, stakeholders expect that the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Unfortunately, this happens less than half the time. Not only does […]
The world is changing and growing increasingly complex. Technology is being introduced at a faster pace than we can adopt it, and events halfway around the world can have immediate ripple effects here at home. […]
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