Your Online Billboard
Imagine you had the ability to gather large groups of people together at will. These groups of people are not only large in quantity, but are also focused on and interested in the same topic. […]
Imagine you had the ability to gather large groups of people together at will. These groups of people are not only large in quantity, but are also focused on and interested in the same topic. […]
You cut costs and became leaner to face your competitors head-on in today’s challenging environment, but is that really all you can do? Congratulations! You are a business owner—the king of your castle, master of […]
By Gentry Stanley & Micah Stanley, JD Adverse fortune or fate; a condition marked by misfortune, calamity or distress. An unfortunate event or circumstance. A crisis. Trouble, affliction, opposition, pressure, anguish, testing, catastrophe, disaster, misery […]
When it comes to running my small plumbing company, I feel as though I’m always taking a reactive approach. Certain aspects of my company don’t get fixed until a problem has already occurred. Do you […]
Rodney Lavard thought he’d heard it all before. The 19-year-old clubhouse attendant at the only golf course in the Turks and Caicos Islands was used to hearing “resort talk” from vacationers. But what Lavard heard […]
Given that one of the most drastic reforms to our nation’s health care system is likely to take place sometime during the coming year, it is important for individual and corporate taxpayers to have a […]
While the number of women-owned businesses—defined as privately held companies that are at least 51 percent owned and controlled by one or more women—is increasing, and the economic contribution of this group is significant, the […]
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, says the United States cannot provide war-torn nations with an “endless surge” of combat forces. In an extended interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, McChrystal said the United […]
The following interview was conducted in January 2010 and focuses on current and future economic issues, specifically those pertaining to small- and medium-sized business owners. I want to preface my first question, Ben, by explaining […]
I own an eatery in a very slow mall. We have a corner spot right by the main entrance. I post daily specials and advertisements in the commons area. What else can I do? Restaurants, […]
Given the current and past economic crisis, many businesses are in serious danger as revenues are falling and profits disappearing. While even leading economists disagree sharply as to the expected length of the current recession, […]
Every business owner knows that running a business is more than a full-time job. Depending on the size and structure of the business, an owner may serve as everything from salesperson to production manager, to […]
I often hear two misconceptions regarding trusts. First, many people believe that because their net worth is under $2,000,000 (the applicable exclusion amount in 2008), their estate plan does not require a trust. Second, many […]
I am in the construction business. Like many other businesses in my industry, my company was hit hard by the recent economic downturn. In the past, we never had to do any active sales or […]
It has become common for shareholders of closely held businesses to infuse and extract cash from their companies on a regular basis. These advances and withdrawals are often categorized as shareholder loans, but the documents […]
Some business owners might say their schedule is demanding enough at the moment, and the thought of adding one more activity to their busy calendar is unbearable. So why should they try to cram time […]
A beginner’s guide to going green at work, financially and otherwise. During these past two years of global economic crisis, executives at companies around the world have been looking for ways to increase their bottom […]
Information Technology (IT) is more complex than most buildings. As such, it requires a similar architectural process in order to achieve a positive and predicted outcome. Too many IT projects don’t conclude positively or as […]
You’ve heard a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consultant can do wonderful things for your company’s Web site, so you’ve gone ahead and hired one. Congratulations! But now what? What can you expect from your SEO […]
Performing an audit will help your company avoid potential legal liability and the related costs, time and distraction to management and the organization. […]
As a small business owner, successfully managing all aspects of your company is your top priority. However, if you don’t have an online marketing background, how do you manage a relatively new marketing medium such […]
Think social networking sites are only for those looking to reconnect with old high school friends, date or broadcast what’s happening in their lives? Think again. Recent research indicates more and more executives and managers […]
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